PRESS RELEASE: Launch of major citizens group Australians for Better Government aims ‘to fix our democracy’
Launch of major citizens group Australians for Better Government aims ‘to fix our democracy’
New grassroots campaign group seeks to improve the quality of Parliamentarians, the Constitution, and political accountability, to the benefit of all Australians
Today’s formal launch of Australians for Better Government (ABG) follows rapid growth after its soft-launch before New Years. This new grassroots group is motivating support from all Australians who believe the country’s governmental system can be improved.
“Elected members of Parliament often serve their own ambitions, or the will of their political party, rather than faithfully representing the interests and concerns of their constituents”, says ABG President Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Loughrey (Ret’d). “Australians for Better Government will begin the discussion to fix that”.
Free membership plus the opportunity to get involved and shape Australia’s democratic future is currently being offered to all, on ABG’s new website launched today.
“Government is meant to represent the people. Therefore, the people have an important part to play in the governance of our Country”, he continued. “ABG is a grassroots movement that is dedicated to improving the way Australians vote, the way suitable candidates are selected, how Government functions and the wording of our Constitution.”
Recent years have seen a decline in the trust that everyday Australians have for their government, says the group. For too long, Australians have relied on politicians, political parties and bureaucrats to be the sole driver of governmental reform in this Country. Australians for Better Government (ABG) believes that this is inadequate.
“The Australian Constitution is the supreme law of Australia, yet we are told it is outdated and redundant,” says ABG Vice-President, Steven Tripp. “The Constitution is a binding contact between Government and the People. Therefore, the People are intitled to contribute to its evolution. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to reforms ABG can address.”
“Australians for Better Government believes that a strong Australia requires better Governmental structure”, he added. “We believe the Australian people can drive that reform. The word is spreading and people are excited by our message.”
On the other side of the World, ABG’s Hon. Ambassador to the UK and Europe, Leigh Evans, is also excited by what Australians for Better Government has set out to achieve.
“In many respects, Australians have been leading the global fightback against autocratic governments,” he said. “Today’s launch of ABG offers everyday Australians a collective, amplified voice. From our side of the world, we’ll be watching Australia with interest.”
For Editors
Contact: Steven Tripp, ABG Vice President, Email:, Tel: +61 433 401 281, Website:
Further comments and photos are available immediately, on request.