We believe the people should be given a direct say in certain decisions of government.
Mechanisims need to exist for the people to be able to hold the Government to account
the people are the government
Federal and State Governments around the Country are elected to represent the will of The People. As such, The People expect their elected representatives to Govern and make decisions on their behalf.
However, recent times have shown us that Government has enacted laws that do not reflect the will of The People, or have granted Governments special powers without seeking a mandate from The People first.
Mechanisms should exist for the people to have a direct involvement in government decisions
In certain circumstances, largely explored below, Governments must require a mandate by The People, before certain decisions can be made.
Mechanisms should also exist where The People can repeal Governments, their decisions, or hold the Government to account for their actions.
The australian people should always have the final say, not politicians
our proposals:
Direct Representation through Public Plebiscites
In certain circumstances, Governments must require a mandate by The People, before certain decisions can be made. These decisions would be decided by a public Plebiscite.
Government Debt
Require that Governments, at any level within the Commonwealth, must not incur a public debt greater than a debt ceiling that is to be decided by The People. If Governments exceed this debt ceiling, then the Governor-General, or State Governor, must automatically call for a double-dissolution election.
State of Emergencies
Require that any declaration of an emergency be put to a plebiscite before it can be enacted. When such approval is given by the people, there must be a strict time limit, decided by The People, for how long that emergency will be in force.
International Treaties
All treaties between any Government and a foreign or domestic entity must be agreed by way of a plebiscite of those citizens affected by that treaty. This would include the Membership or continued Membership of Australia in International bodies, such as the United Nations, World Health Organisation, Et al.
Sale of Public Assets
Require that any disposal of a public assets above a certain percentage of GDP (yet to be determined by The People) must require the approval by way of a plebiscite of The People Federally, or in that State.
Recall elections
Recall elections are a method by which the electorate can vote to oust elected representatives before their terms have officially expired.
In countries where they are implemented, recall elections are an attempt to curtail the influence of political parties on elected representatives. In essence, to ensure that elected officials are representing their constituents instead of abiding by the party machine that they are a part of.
Recall elections are also a method of imposing accountability upon an electorate’s elected representative.
Citizens Initiated Referenda & Binding Plebiscites
In Australia, referenda are only used to alter the Constitution. While Citizens Initiated Referenda is a term used in other countries, we believe that a more appropriate term when dealing with non-Constitutional matters would be a ‘Binding Plebiscite’.
A Binding Plebiscite is a vote that cannot be ignored and thus the outcome would be binding to the Government of the day.
We believe that the concept of a Binding Plebiscite should be introduced into our Constitution. If carried by a successful public vote, a Binding Plebiscite would have legal force and the Parliament of the day would be obligated to enact the will of The People, in the same way that a referendum, when carried, cannot be ignored.
Citizen Initiated Referenda would apply for matters that require an alteration to the Constitution.
We believe that both Citizen Initiated Referenda and Binding Plebiscites would work concurrently to diffuse political power and improve voter representation.
Citizens Initiated Referenda
Citizen Initiated Referenda (CIR) aim to safeguard the rights of citizens and prevent the abuse of political power, giving The People full control over their Constitution.
The People could drive any change that they feel needs to be made to the Constitution, eliminating the need to rely on politicians to initiate the change.
CIR would also exist in the States and apply to State Constitutions.
Binding Plebiscites
Binding Plebiscites are a way of limiting the power of Parliamentarians; ensuring they do not exceed the authority that The People have delegated to them under the Constitution.
Binding Plebiscites will be called, just like Referenda, when citizens wish to direct the Parliament as to how it is to act on an issue of significance.
Provided that the Binding Plebiscite could attract enough public support, this would trigger the repeal of unpopular legislation; such as State Public Health Orders.
Similarly, Binding Plebiscites could also introduce legislation that is popular with the public, but delayed by unwilling parties. Examples of this could include the abolition of pay-roll tax, stamp duty or the construction of new dams.
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reforming the constitution
The Australian Constitution is the supreme law of Australia, yet we are told it is outdated and redundant.
We believe the Constitution is a binding contract between Government and the People - and therefore it should be a revolving document.
The People should not wait for politicians to reform the Constitution, the People should take the lead.
ensuring a true separation of powers
The separation of powers divides the power to govern between the Legislature (Parliament), the Executive (Cabinet) and the Judiciary (Courts).
Separation of powers is fundamental to a free society. Its purpose is to prevent any person or group from having all the power.
However, there is currently no clear separation between the Legislature and the Executive. We believe this needs to change.
improving the quality of the vote
We believe it is in everyone’s interests that people elected to office are of the highest calibre possible.
However, Australia has suffered because political parties and the electoral system conspire against this ideal.
No system is perfect, but it is possible to maximise the chances of having the best people in Parliament. We believe we have the ideas to address this.
Enshrining our freedoms
Australian is a beacon to the World. We are prosperous, are blessed with a beautiful landscape and protected by the rule of law.
We believe people should be given a fair go and that hard work should be rewarded. Above all, we believe that all Australians should be free.
Personal freedoms should be protected, but at times they are not. We believe that a continual conversation should be taking place amongst the Australian people on how our society can enshrine our freedoms.
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