PRESS RELEASE: ABG calls for unanimous support of Senator Babet’s proposed alteration to enshrine free speech in the Australian Constitution


ABG calls for unanimous support of Senator Babet’s proposed alteration to enshrine free speech in the Australian Constitution

The People should decide, by referendum, whether to enshrine free speech in the Constitution, not politicians.

Australians for Better Government Inc. has thrown its full support behind the ‘Constitution Alteration (Right to Free Speech) 2025’ bill, introduced into the Australian Senate by Senator Ralph Babet.

The proposed alteration will insert a new Chapter IIIA and section 80A in the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900. It will provide that the Commonwealth or a State must not make any law that limits the freedom of speech, including freedom of the press and other media.

“ABG completely supports this bill by Senator Babet,” announced ABG President Steven Tripp. “Freedom of speech is a fundamental pillar to any free society and from our inception, Australians for Better Government has been calling for free speech to be protected and enshrined in our Constitution.”

In an article in ‘The Spectator Australia’, Senator Babet emphasised the need for the Australian people to be given a vote on enshrining free speech.

‘This Bill is urgently needed and will provide protection of a right that Australians assume they already have,’ wrote Senator Babet. ‘While freedom of speech in this country is generally assumed, it is not guaranteed. Indeed, it is under perilous threat right now.’

The above statements by Senator Babet are echoed on the ABG website, which states: ‘Increasingly, both our State and Federal Governments have encroached upon our personal freedoms in the name of ‘safety’. Governments can legislate against our freedoms at any stage.’

ABG President, Steven Tripp, is urging Australia’s Senators to back Senator Babet’s bill.

“I suspect Senators will put party politics ahead of representing the interests of the Australian people. It is likely Senator Babet’s proposal will be resisted based purely on party politics. Senators will not want to support a bill proposed by the United Australia Party.”

“ABG believes this is contrary to the Senate’s role of being the ‘House of Review’. Senators should be reviewing bills based on the merits of the legislation and the interests of their constituents, rather than the will of their political party,” Mr Tripp added.

“This is why ABG calls for the banning of party affiliation in the Senate.”

“Free speech is fundamental and I suspect each individual Senator personally supports The People’s right to free speech. Unfortunately, Party politics will get in the way,”

“If Senator Babet’s bill is opposed, it’s further evidence that our system needs reform.”

For Editors

Contact: Steven Tripp, ABG President, Email:,

Tel: +61 433 401 281, Website:

Further comments and photos are available immediately, on request.


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